8 Essentiële Tips voor een Regenachtige Nijmeegse Vierdaagse: Blijf Comfortabel en Gemotiveerd!

8 Essential Tips for a Rainy Nijmegen Four Days Marches: Stay Comfortable and Motivated!

Weather gods, unfortunately we have no control over them.

Even during the 4-day event in Nijmegen , the annual walking event that thousands of people look forward to, rain can spoil the fun . But don't be discouraged!
With these 8 valuable tips you can brave the rain and complete the 4-day successfully. So put on your waterproof gear, grab your umbrella and don't let a few drops stop you.

Read on below to discover how to stay comfortable and motivated even when the sky is crying.”

  1. Wear waterproof clothing; Rain can make your clothes wet and you feel cold, which can lead to muscle pain or other unpleasant problems. Therefore, make sure you wear waterproof clothing to stay dry and warm during the walk. For example, consider a raincoat, rain pants and rain hat.

    Click here for raincoats:
    4 days with rain

    Click here for rain pants:
    Rain pants

    Click here for the rain hats:
    Rain hat 4 days

    If you prefer to walk in another coat than in a breathable raincoat, choose a poncho.
    The advantage of a poncho is that you can take it with you small and folded. As soon as it rains, you can take it out of your bag and put it over your jacket (and possibly bag) and everything underneath will stay dry.
    Don't forget to hang it out at the end of the day after a rain shower! Once it is dry again, fold it up and you can use the poncho again if necessary!

    Click here for the ponchos:

  2. Don't forget your umbrella; An umbrella can be very useful during rainy weather. It protects you from the rain and you can also use it as a walking stick if you need one.
    The advantage of a transparent umbrella is that you can continue to observe everything that happens around you.

    Click here for the transparent umbrellas:
    Umbrella 4 days

  3. Protect your belongings; You probably have valuables with you, such as a phone, wallet and perhaps a camera. Make sure you protect these items from the rain by putting them in a waterproof bag or case.

    Click here for our waterproof (back) bags:
    Waterproof backpack 4 days

  4. Don't forget to eat and drink; When it's raining, it can be easy to focus on avoiding puddles and getting to the finish line as quickly as possible. However, it is important to continue eating and drinking regularly to maintain energy. Therefore, take plenty of water and snacks with you.

  5. Change your socks and shoes; If your shoes and socks have become wet in the rain, it is important to replace them as soon as possible. Wearing wet shoes and socks increases the risk of blisters and other foot problems.

  6. Walk calmly and carefully; When it rains, the road can become slippery and slippery, which can lead to falls and injuries. Therefore, walk calmly and carefully, and adjust your speed to the circumstances.

  7. Stay motivated; Rain can affect your mood and reduce your motivation to keep going. Try to keep yourself motivated by staying positive and focusing on your goals. For example, think about the performance you will deliver when you reach the finish line.

    'After rain always comes sunshine'

  8. Make sure you get enough rest; Hiking during the 4 days can be tiring, and rainy weather can make this even worse. Make sure you get enough rest between walks and give your body time to recover.

By following these tips, you can successfully complete the 4 days even if it rains.
Don't forget to also enjoy the beautiful surroundings and atmosphere of the event, whatever the weather!

Do you have any tips or experiences that you would like to share with us? Then leave it in the comments.